Token Info
Token Name: CryptoFixe
Symbol: CoinFixe
Chain: Ethereum
Max Supply: 1 bi
Circulanting: 210 mi
Launch Price: (Fair Launch¹)
Initial Market Cap: (Fair Launch¹)
Initial buy/sell fees²: 3% / 3%
The contract will block the possibility of increasing the fees, whenever the fees are modified it will always be reduced until ZERO.
2% NFT Rewards (on Buy and Sell)
1% Marketing (on buy)
1% Liquidity (on sell)
We are planning to remove all token fees after our entire ecosystem is ready.
Token Distribution
Devs will not have a wallet, they will receive NFTS paid by CryptoFixe and will be rewarded in the same way as NFT holders. NFTs will be limited to 1000 with 200 destined for our devs, they will be released gradually as they will be manually developed 1 to 1.
Pre-sale: 100 mi
Liquidity: 75 mi
Aditional Manual Liquidity: 5 mi
Ecossystem: 10 mi
Marketing: 10 mi
Airdrop: 10 mi
¹ will depend of public pre-sales results.
² Token fee will be decreasing until zero and can never increase.
Last updated